General admission conditions
Quality of language
Your eligibility to study at Cégep à distance depends upon your having attained the skill normally required to read and write texts in the language of instruction. Your level of English skill should be equivalent to that of a person who has completed high school in English. Language quality is an integral part of the evaluation criteria for all courses offered at Cégep à distance. You may be required to take a French placement test to confirm your ability to study at Cégep à distance. As Cégep à distance is part of Cégep de Rosemont, you can find further details in the Politique institutionnelle d’évaluation des apprentissages (French) on the Cégep de Rosemont website. Although this policy is written in French, the basic premises apply to courses taken in English as well. You can also take a look at the document Excerpts from the Politique institutionnelle d’évaluation des apprentissages (PIEA).
Quality of academic record
In some cases, Cégep à distance may refuse to accept a student full-time but recommend part-time studies and impose success conditions. As Cégep à distance is part of Cégep de Rosemont, you can learn more about these requirements by reading the Règlement sur l’admission favorisant la réussite scolaire (French) on the Cégep de Rosemont website. You can also check the section called Conditional admission and success contract.
Employment insurance beneficiaries
Ask your employment insurance or income security officer to find out about the eligibility rules.